Create a visual statement to communicate each of the following concepts. Communicate the concepts as decisively as possible, in the simplest form, and with the maximum contrast.

1. Regular Sequence

The proportion of intervals of both colors remains constant, the number of appearances may vary.

2. Alternating Sequence

The proportion of the individual black intervals remains constant, the individualwhite intervals remain
constant, the black and white sequences differ in proportion.

3. Increasing and Constant Sequence

The proportions of the black interval sequence will increase with each step; the white interval
sequence will remain constant.

4. Increasing Same Direction

The proportions of both black and white interval sequences will increase with each step; they will
increase in the same direction at different rates.

5. Increasing Opposite Directions

The proportions of both black and white interval sequences will increase with each step; they will
increase in opposite directions at different rates.

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